Understanding nutrition and food habits of women & infants from urban slums of India
We were approached by ThinkPlace, a global strategic design consultancy to understand the lifestyle, decision-making and influencers for women within the reproductive age and infants living in urban slums in India for the largest private foundation in the world. We were tasked to lead the research for India to provide insights and strategic recommendations for a food delivery service program that they were in the process of creating based on foundational research
conducted in Kenya. Through in-depth research, we had to provide contextual insights to help them understand what does a day in their life look like, what are their current behaviours & habits around food & nutrition intake and what could be the potential opportunity areas to provide nutritional meals for women within the age group of 15-40 years and infants.

We conducted in-depth interviews with 10 potential target users and social influencers like- young college-going girls, young mothers, young fathers and a couple to understand the roles in the family and gain insights into their current food habits, lifestyle, decision-making related to nutrition or food intake, budget allocation and motivations/concerns.We mapped this information across journey maps to understand the patterns of behaviours and identify opportunity areas for the service model for different user personae.

Kids look at the ads for Bournvita and Horlicks and force us to buy it so we purchase it for them whenever possible in our limited monthly budget.
A mother of two

We delivered an insight report at the end of 3 weeks with synthesised insights of the findings from the qualitative research and implications on the service model for the food delivery service. We also illustrated the final journey maps of the target audience- 1 for a younger college-going girl and 1 for a young mother to outline a day in their life, key milestones and personal challenges.

The insights provided helped the global team build a thorough understanding of the socio-cultural context, nuances and influences. It helped the client understand their target audience in India to be able to design the service model to work more effectively for them to achieve higher impact by making it personalised and relevant to the users.Our recommendations for the service model turned the insights into actions for the global client team to make sense of the research findings and directly applying it to the service model to make it relevant to India as a market.
Project Team

Project Manager

Field Researchers

Service Designer

Visual Designer