Understanding medical care seeking behaviour & experience
Loop Health is a fast-growing start-up based in Pune, India that connects patients to a network of specialists and coordinates their care experience. We worked with them to understand - A. The current experience and insights around the patient drop out rates from their service and B. The potential directions for business model evolution.
We conducted qualitative research with current and potential patients to understand their current experience with LoopHealth and how can the business scale in the future while keeping the user needs in mind and building trust in this one-of-its-kind service.

Through 30 in-depth qualitative interviews with patients and decision-makers across Pune city, we were able to identify different user personae and patterns in their current health care seeking experience and perception towards other stakeholders such as GPs, hospitals, health insurance companies. We were also able to identify the possible reasons for drop out from the service along with identifying what is currently working well in the patient experience for LoopHealth to find opportunities to enhance these ‘moments of delight’. For the company’s long-term strategy, we identified ways in which the company can scale and build potential partnerships that would help maintain the trust in the company for the patients and also create a better user experience.

I never search online for specialists in case of severe illness. I always go to the specialists recommended by our family doctor, irrespective of how far away their hospital is.
Research Participant
We had multiple download sessions with the client team at key milestones in the project to make the entire process highly collaborative. We delivered a summary report that packaged all of our findings around patient’s current & ideal care seeking behaviour, their concerns and experience while availing the Loop Health’s service along with the possible user personas. During a final brainstorming session with the client team, our team explained the findings and ideated various implications on the current & future business model.

Along with the client team, we could identify strategies to scale the business in the long-term that is profitable and delivers an impactful user experience. The client could visualise their current user’s experience for the first time and identify multiple touch-points to improve engagement with their current users to prevent drop outs.
The clients could also identify patterns between the user persona and their care seeking behaviours that helped them target certain features or strategies towards a specific user segment for maximum impact.
Through the research, the client got an understanding of the perception that the patients have towards key stakeholders which helped them in creating the long-term service solution.
Project Team

Project Manager

Field Researchers

Service Designer