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Credit product design for MSME

For a new-age fintech organization that aims to empower the economic transformation of micro enterprises, we designed a fintech product that offers credit along with other value-added services to small scale retailers who usually need access to credit for their business transactions with distributors.

The aim of the product was to ease their pain points along the journey and design mobile-first digital journeys for both distributors and the retailers keeping their unique needs in mind. Xeno Co-lab worked closely with the retailers while designing this product to ensure that the product addressed the user context and needs.



We followed a human-centered approach to design this digital product and created a hybrid plan for research with retailers. After understanding the detailed digital journeys through collaborative workshops with the client, we designed a high fidelity digital prototype. We conducted research with retailers in peri-urban locations across cities of Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka. During the interviews we gained feedback on the product prototype in terms of ease of understanding & navigation. These insights helped us in understanding the users’ experience and context before creating the final designs for the retailers and the distributors.


“I would like to purchase goods from this app and be allowed to pay 30 days later so if the prices of those goods rise, it will be beneficial for me . I also like the fact that I get access to all distributors in my area under one roof” 


Kirana Store Owner



Based on the behavioral and UX research insights, we delivered the final design of the retailer and distributor credit product to the clients’ development team. The process was collaborative and very agile and we ensured seamless communication across teams that allowed the client to start development of the product in parallel to the design process.

Prototype design


Creating the high fidelity prototype and testing the product with the retailers had a massive impact on the results of the project as it allowed the client to take into account the users’ voice into the design process and identify gaps or challenges earlier on. The design for the retailer and the distributor journey of the product was informed through the insights provided by the retailers and was therefore user-centric and addressed their needs and priorities in the best way.

Overall due to our agile and collaborative approach we were able to create an impactful design of the retailer and distributor portal in only 2 months while coordinating the efforts and the timeline with the development team!

Project Team

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Project Manager

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Research Lead

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UX Researcher

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UX/UI Designer

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Aldona, Goa 403508

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